
Room 1 

09:15 - 10:00 


Talk (45 min)

Building your personal online brand using Static Blazor Apps, one step at a time

We're told that by using services such as Medium, etc that we are diluting our personal brand. That we should be posting to our own site and building ourselves up. But making that move can seem huge! Rather than eating the elephant - which can seem impossible - how about slowly moving to your own space?


Watch this talk live on YouTube.

Build your brand whilst still using those great features that attracted you to your chosen platform in the first place.

With the joint power of client-side Blazor and static web apps in Azure, you no longer need to run web servers or App Services in order to host your site online. You can get set up in minutes!

In this session, we'll set up a new Blazor Wasm Application and Azure Function, deploy to Azure and then fetch blog posts from to link to them in our page.

We'll also talk about next steps - and how to eat the elephant one bite at a time - to create your personal brand!

Stacy Cashmore

Speaker, author, and software developer. Stacy has been developing solutions since the mid-1990s in various companies and industries ranging from facilitating contract jobbing to allowing consumers to close a mortgage without the help of a financial adviser – with lots in between.

She has a passion for sharing knowledge: using storytelling for sharing her experiences to help teams grow in the ways that they develop software and work together and performing live coding demonstrations to inspire others to try new technologies.

Stacy has just published her first book, aimed at helping developers get started building dynamic applications using C#, Azure Functions, and Azure Static Web Apps.

For her effort in the community, Stacy has been awarded the Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies since 2020.